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    One Village Coffee

    Seasonal Colombia

    Seasonal Colombia

    Regular price $15.00
    Regular price Sale price $15.00
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    Roast Level  Light
    Chocolate  Cherry  Orange

    Origin: Huila, Colombia
    Elevation: 1600 to 1900 meters
    Varietals: Caturra, Colombia, Castillo
    Process: Washed


    This communal lot is sourced from smallholder producers in Santa Maria and Pitalito in the breathtaking landscapes of Northern and Southern Huila. Farmers here process their coffee on their farms - pulping the coffee with smaller machines, fermenting in cement tanks, washing in channels, and drying on patios, sometimes on covered patios called solar dryers. Once the coffee is dried it is called parchment, named for the last layer of protection around the seed. Farmers take their parchment down the mountains to coffee buyers in town. It is here where our supplier purchases the parchment and eventually mills it into green coffee and exports it. 


    This region is prized for its bright coffees that pop with balanced acidity and sweetness. As roasters, we love the consistency of this coffee. Between the hard work of the farmers and the state of the art dry mill that this lot passes through, the green is immaculate. We don’t like roasting this too dark because the flavors it expresses on the lighter roast spectrum are quite enjoyable: chocolate, almond, stone fruits, and citrus. 


    This is a coffee you can’t go wrong with. In some ways it is a crowd pleaser -  it will be slightly on the more acidic and fruity side of the spectrum, but not full tilt. Balance is the name of the game here with this Huila coffee. This will perform well on just about any brew method. For stronger brews like espresso, the coffee will express its acidity more intensely and could taste sour if not extracted well. Safe bets for brewing will be french press, pour overs, auto drip, and aeropress.

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